“On behalf of all of us who make up Sacred Heart parish—Fr. Bob, its members and staff, thank you for your commitment to glorify God in service as an altar server. Over forty years ago, with the support of my loving parents, I became an ‘altar boy.’ It was a good experience and was another blessing that throughout my life kept me closer to Our Lord. Today, I know it is an honor and privilege to serve Holy Mass, which is the greatest prayer there is to God.”
– Excerpt from a letter from John Mischel to servers.
John Mischel and Diane Dowker are the liaisons to this ministry. They do a wonderful job training and accommodating the volunteers. Altar servers also serve at Holy Hour and Stations of the Cross. For daily Mass the altar server is often times the overseer for the mass and responsible for set up.
Daily Mass Servers Reference
Server Instructions for Incense Mass