Lectors at Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church are active members of the faith community in good standing that are willing to share their proclamation talents with our Church community. We are called to use our gifts to help our community be nourished by the Word of God. You have been brought to this ministry in the midst of a faith community that loves and respects you enough to be the voice of God in their midst. You are encouraged to a continual and ongoing discernment of this ministry. By your proclamation of scripture, you lead others to an appreciation and sense of joy for the Word of God. Nourished by God’s word, the faith community is led on to grateful and fruitful participation in the Mass.
“Christ is always present in his Church, especially in her liturgical celebrations… He is present in his Word since it is he himself who speaks when the Holy Scriptures are read in the Church.” —The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy Article 7
Anyone interested in joining this ministry, please contact Anne Pentland through the Church office at 231-264-8087 for more information.
Lector Guidelines