
Liturgical Ministries

The St. Martha Altar Guild

Members of The St. Martha Altar Guild serve the parish by caring for the implements to be used on and around the Altar during Mass. This includes purifying, washing, ironing, and folding the Altar Linens used at Masses; arranging and caring for the flowers and liturgical decorations used to elevate and beautify the Nave and Sanctuary; caring for the Baptistry; and helping to prepare the Sacred Vessels for use by the priest at Mass.  This group provides year-round, behind-the-scenes care of these precious items, ensuring that the utmost respect is given to everything that come into contact with Jesus, present in the Blessed Sacrament, at each Mass.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC)

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are lay men and women who assist with the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass. Before serving, EMHC’s should be confirmed Catholics, in full communion with the church, who are in a state of grace.  EMHC’s receive formation and training from clergy at Sacred Heart and are commissioned to serve by the Diocese of Gaylord.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion – Homebound Communion Ministry

These are Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion who are also trained to take Eucharist to members of the parish who, because of age or illness, cannot attend Mass. If you are a commissioned EMHC, and are interested in taking Communion to homebound parishioners, please contact Wes in the Parish Office.


Lectors proclaim God’s Word at Masses and liturgical celebrations throughout the year. Lectors receive training and formation from clergy at Sacred Heart, with periodical formation sessions being offered to provide opportunities for their continued growth and development in this ministry. The Lector is expected to be knowledgeable of the scriptural readings he or she will proclaim at each Liturgy, should be in a state of grace before proclaiming God’s Word from the Ambo, and should be in full communion with the church.  

Ministry Coordinator

Ministry Coordinators serve at each Sunday Mass. Their duties include checking-in all other liturgical ministers, making sure that all ministries are manned before the beginning of each liturgy, and passing along any important information from the clergy to lay liturgical ministers at weekend Masses. Ministry Coordinators may also step in as Ushers/Greeters when needed, and may also serve as EMHC’s, if necessary. Men and women serving as Ministry Coordinators play a non-visible role at most Masses, but their important work helps to ensure a seamless liturgy that is free of interruptions or distractions due to confusion or lack of liturgical ministers. Ministry Coordinators should be persons who can troubleshoot quickly, remain organized, and provide a friendly and understanding face when presented with any sort of last-minute logistical situation.

Altar Servers

Altar Servers are trained by Fr. Jarvis at Sacred Heart. Altar Servers should be Catholics who have received their First Communion, and who are mature enough to recognize the solemnity and reverence required to serve the Altar of Christ’s Sacrifice. Parents of young men are especially asked to remember that the vocation story of many priests begins with them serving the Altar when they were young. Please contact Fr. Jarvis for more information.


Ushers/Greeters are men and women, 15 years of age and older, who serve at weekend Masses and Holy Day liturgies throughout the year. These Ministers greet parishioners and visitors at all exterior doors, help guide persons to available seating in the church, pass the offering baskets at the Offertory, and distribute the bulletins after Mass. Ushers/Greeters are the first face of Sacred Heart that most visitors will see. They should be friendly, able to greet and converse with strangers, and willing to assist the elderly and handicapped as needed.

Sanctuary Flowers

Live-cut flowers are present most weeks in the Sanctuary of Sacred Heart. You may give a donation to the flower fund, at any time, in memory of a loved one, or for a special prayer intention. Contact the office if you would like to purchase flowers in memoriam of someone.

Christmas Poinsettias: Poinsettias will be available to purchase during each Advent Season to decorate the Nave for The Nativity of the Lord. A list of those in whose memory they are given will be included in the bulletin.

Easter Lilies: Easter Lilies will be available to purchase during each Lenten Season to decorate the Nave for Eastertide. A list of those in whose memory they are given will be included in the bulletin.

Hospitality Ministry:

Members of this ministry prepare and serve refreshments for social hour after Mass on Sundays. They alternate with the Knights of Columbus.

Rosary Ministry:

Rosary leaders lead the Rosary before Mass at the Saturday Vigil and on Sunday mornings. Rosaries begin at 4:30PM on Saturdays and at 9:00AM on Sundays.

Media Ministry:

Sunday morning Masses are livestreamed on YouTube to allow homebound or ill parishioners to view the Mass from their homes. Media Ministers facilitate this by operating the hardware and software that controls these livestreams. This ministry requires at least a basic knowledge of working with computers and software.

For more information about the following liturgical ministries, or if you would like to discuss how you might serve in as a liturgical minister at Sacred Heart, please contact:

Wes Moulton, Director of Music and Ministries, by calling 520-358-2400 or emailing