Respect Life strives to foster the Culture of Life through prayer, practice and education according to the teachings of the Holy Roman Catholic Church. The Diocese of Gaylord sanctions Respect Life.
We proclaim that human life is a precious gift from God; that each person who receives this gift has responsibilities toward God, self and others; and that society, through its laws and social institutions, must protect and nurture human life at every stage of its existence.
We are a nonpartisan, nonsectarian, nonprofit organization of diverse and caring people united to peacefully protect the precious gift of human life from fertilization to natural death.
We strive to achieve the passage and ratification of a Human Life Amendment, to educate people on identified Right to Life issues, to motivate them into action, to encourage community support for and participation in programs and legislation that foster respect for human life and to promote prolife candidates.
We support only peaceful, legal activities as a means to restoring legal protection to the preborn and other defenseless human beings.
We work on behalf of defenseless or vulnerable human beings, born and unborn, within our identified life issues of abortion, infanticide, euthanasia and assisted suicide.
We are classified as a 401(c)4 organization through the IRS and are deemed not tax deductible.
(From U.S. Catholic Bishops, Mission Statements for Respect Life)
At Sacred Heart we provide pamphlets and audio CD’s in the literature rack in the foyer in church and on the table near the office from the area Respect life Chapter.
Natural Family Planning
Natural Family Planning (NFP) is an integral part of Respect life.
NFP is a way of following God’s plan for achieving and/or avoiding pregnancy. It consists of ways to achieve or to avoid pregnancy using the physical means that God has built into human nature.
The primary mission of NFP International is to promote and teach Natural Family Planning. This includes ecological breastfeeding, systematic NFP, marital chastity, and the call to generosity in having children and raising them in the ways of the Lord. A secondary mission is to uphold traditional Christian teaching about love, marriage and sexuality and to provide materials that people can use to improve their spiritual lives.
(From Natural Family Planning International, The Mission of NFP International)
There is literature in the pamphlet racks in the foyer of church and near the office.
If you are interested in learning more about Natural Family Planning, or would like some additional literature please contact Mary Halek at (231) 264-8087.
Right to Life
Right to Life is a non-denominational organization that works actively in our community with the values of Respect life.
Right to Life of Michigan is a nonpartisan, nonsectarian, nonprofit organization of diverse and caring people united to protect the precious gift of human life from fertilization to natural death
We strive to achieve the passage and ratification of a Human Life Amendment, to educate people on identified Right to Life issues, to motivate them to action, to encourage community support for the participation in programs and legislation that foster respect and protection for human life.
We work on the behalf of defenseless or vulnerable human beings, born and unborn, within our identified life issues of abortion, infanticide and assisted suicide.
(From Right to Life of Michigan, Right to Life of Michigan Mission Statement)
Tax deductible donations can be made through Right to Life of Michigan Educational Fund and specified for GTARTL area education.